Occult History of the Third Reich (1991)

Four volume documentary set ("The Enigma of the Swastika", "The SS Blood and Soil", "Adolph Hitler", and "Himmler The Mystic") containing mainly B&W as well as some color archival footage, with narration explaining the influences of alternative belief systems (occult, paganism, mysticism, etc) on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy. Also documents the history and development of the ideas and symbols that would be used along with eugenicist racial politics to perpetrate the murder and oppression of millions during World War II. Anglické znění, české titulky možná najdete zde.

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Super, diky moc, nikde se to moc nedá sehnat. Škoda, že nejsou titulky...
eh, je to moje chyba nebo u prvních třech dílů chybí zvuková stopa? je slyšet jen úvodní hudební znělka a pak je celý dokument ticho...
Ano, toto je raritní "kousek". Zkus VLC, viz http://avidokumenty.blogspot.cz/2010/03/casto-kladene-dotazy.html...

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